张效林,薄相峰.旧报纸纤维增强回收聚丙烯复合材料性能研究[J].中国造纸学报,2014,29(2):29-32 本文二维码信息
Study on the Properties of Recycled-PP Composite Reinforced with Old Newspaper Fibers
中文关键词:  旧报纸  回收聚丙烯塑料  复合材料  资源回用
Key Words:wastepaper  waste plastic  wood-plastic composites  recycle
张效林1 1.西安理工大学印刷包装工程学院陕西西安710048 
薄相峰2 2.西安建筑科技大学机电工程学院陕西西安710055 
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      以旧报纸(ONP)和废塑料(回收聚丙烯塑料)为原料,马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯为相容剂,采用热压成型法制备了废纸纤维/回收聚丙烯复合材料,研究了ONP纤维含量对复合材料力学性能和吸水性能的影响,采用红外光谱仪、扫描电镜对复合材料组成和复合界面进行了分析。结果表明,ONP纤维对复合材料具有良好的增强效果,当ONP纤维含量为30%时,复合材料拉伸强度和弯曲强度分别达到32.36 MPa和43.37 MPa,与不加ONP的废塑料相比,分别提高了66.1%和69.6%;随ONP纤维含量的增加,复合材料中羟基的特征吸收峰逐渐增强,材料吸水率不断上升;扫描电镜分析显示,当ONP纤维含量较低时,纤维与聚丙烯之间具有良好的界面,ONP纤维含量超过30%后,复合材料界面相容性下降明显。
      Wood-plastics composites(WPC) was prepared by means of mixing processing and compression molding using old newspaper and recycled-polypropylene(rPP) as raw materials. The effects of the fiber content on the mechanical properties and absorption properties of WPC were investigated. The structure of composite was characterized by means of FT-IR and SEM. The results showed that, old newspaper fibers could be used as reinforcement for rPP based composites. When the wastepaper fiber loading was 30%, the tensile strength and flexural strength of the composite reached the maximum 32.36 MPa and 43.37 MPa, improved by 66.1% and 69.6%, respectively compared with the composite without recycled ONP fibers. With the increasing of fiber content, the peak to hydroxyl (—OH) of the composite in the IR spectrum increased gradually, and the water-absorption of the composite exhibited a gradual increasing trend. The SEM images of fracture section of the composite indicated that, when the fiber content was low, good interfacial properties existed between the fiber and the rPP. When the fiber loading exceeded 30%, interfacial compatibility decreased obviously.
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