李安玲,张嘉琦.干热老化对生宣纸和半熟宣纸性能的影响[J].中国造纸学报,2021,36(4):56-63 本文二维码信息
A Comparative Study of Dry Heat Aging on Properties of Raw and Sized Xuan Paper
中文关键词:  生宣纸  半熟宣纸  干热老化  吸附性  力学性能  耐磨性能
Key Words:raw Xuan paper  sized Xuan paper  dry heat aging  adsorbability  mechanical properties  wearability
李安玲* 安阳工学院机械工程学院河南安阳455000 aystar@163.com 
张嘉琦 安阳工学院机械工程学院河南安阳455000  
摘要点击次数: 1681
全文下载次数: 1283
      In order to compare the performance changes of different kinds of Xuan paper after long-term storage, dry heat aging test was carried out on raw and sized Xuan paper to study the changes of surface micro morphology and wear three-dimensional morphology. The static contact angles, adsorbabilities, mechanical properties, and wearabilities of the two Xuan papers before and after dry heat aging were tested and compared. The results showed that before and after dry heat aging, raw Xuan paper had a better adsorption of light ink compared with thick ink; the sized Xuan paper tended to absorb light ink before dry heat aging while after dry heat aging, it preferred to absorb thick ink. The absorbality of raw Xuan paper after dry heat aging was lower than that of before while the sized Xuan paper showed opposite trend, however, mechanical propertied of both Xuan papers increased after dry heat aging. In terms of wearability, raw Xuan paper exhibited reduction after dry heat aging while sized Xuan paper turned out to be more wear-resisting.
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