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Characterization of Honeycomb Cardboard Plateau Stress Based on the Influence of Relative Humidity |
DOI:10.11981/j.issn.1000-6842.2011.03.35 |
Key Words:honeycomb cardboard; relative humidity; plateau stress; yield strength |
Fund Project:本课题为“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD30B02);江南大学创新团队发展计划资助课题。 |
Author Name | Affiliation | 王 军1 | 1.江南大学包装工程系,江苏无锡,214122 | 卢立新1,2 | 1.江南大学包装工程系,江苏无锡,214122;2.国家轻工业包装制品质量监督检测中心,江苏无锡,214122 | 王 军1,2 | 1.江南大学包装工程系,江苏无锡,214122;2.国家轻工业包装制品质量监督检测中心,江苏无锡,214122 |
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Abstract: |
Plateau stress is an important index to evaluate the compression properties of honeycomb cardboard, which is vulnerable to the impact of environment humidity. The effect of relative humidity on the plateau stress was studied by testing the longitudinal yield strength of honeycomb paper under four typical relative humidity in this paper, the plateau stress model of honeycomb cardboard considering the effect of relative humidity was established by using the modified theory of plateau stress of hexagonal metal honeycomb, and the model was testified with the experimental data. The results showed that the model can accurately reflect the influence of relative humidity on the plateau stress of honeycomb cardboard. |
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