Study on Ink Transfer Osmotic Effect in Thermal Transfer Printing
Key Words:thermal transfer printing; ink transfer; ink penetration
Author NameAffiliation
李思慧 江南大学物联网工程学院,江苏无锡,214122 
钱军浩 江南大学物联网工程学院,江苏无锡,214122 
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      This paper studied the relationship between ink penetration depth and printing parameters such as printing pressure, printing time, porosity and permeability ratio. Based on the theory of classic ink penetration model, a novel ink penetration model was proposed by introducing the porosity and permeability ratio to provide a more effective way to study ink penetration depth. The problem of paper capillary radius can be neglected by using this model. The relationship between printing parameter and ink penetration depth can be calculated which may play an important role to guide the actual operation to improve the quality of thermal transfer printing.
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