Preparation and Characterization of Lignin-based Superhydrophobic Coatings
Key Words:lignin; hydrophobic modification; super hydrophobic coating; food packaging
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金(31770635)。
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Yuqing Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 116034 
WANG Xiao Yue Yang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd., Yueyang, Hu’nan Province, 414000 
WANG Xing Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 116034 
LI Yao Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 116034 
ZHOU Jinghui* Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, 116034 
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      In this paper, cellulose ethanol residue lignin was selected as the substrate for preparation of superhydrophobic coatings, and the lignin surface was hydrophobically modified by oleoyl chloride, then the obtained oleic acid modified lignin was dissolved and sprayed on the substrate surface to obtain the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings. The lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, contact angle test. The results showed that the surface morphology of the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings was similar to that of lotus leaf, and it was composed of grape string like micro-nanostructure. Lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings showed good acid/alkali resistance in acid/alkali corrosion test. The contact angle of lignin-based superhydrophobic coa-tings was always stable at about 153 degrees in acid or alkaline solution. At the same time, the coatings had good anti-adhesion ability for liquid foods with different viscosities. The residue of honey in lignin-based superhydrophobic coated PP cup decreased by 93.5%, compared to that in noncoated PP cup. Therefore, the lignin-based superhydrophobic coatings could effectively prevent the residue of liquid food and reduce waste when applying on the inner wall of the food packaging containers.
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