Experimental Study on Influence Factors of Paper Drying Characteristic Curve
Key Words:paper drying; drying characteristic curve; influence factors
Fund Project:浙江省自然科学基金/青年基金项目(LQ18B060003);广东省绿色化学产品技术重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GC201809)。
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Xiaobin* College of Chemical and Material Engineering, Quzhou University, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, 324000
State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640 
WANG Yuhang College of Chemical and Material Engineering, Quzhou University, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, 324000 
HE Yaohui College of Chemical and Material Engineering, Quzhou University, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, 324000 
DONG Yunyuan College of Chemical and Material Engineering, Quzhou University, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, 324000 
ZHENG Qifu College of Chemical and Material Engineering, Quzhou University, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, 324000 
LI Jigeng State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640 
LIU Huanbin State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640 
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      The effects of fiber material, paper basis weight, pulp beating degree, pressing pressure and drying temperature on paper drying characteristic curve were researched in the study. The experimental results showed that: different fiber material and pulp beating degree had little influence on the paper drying characteristic curve, but pulp beating degree affected the initial moisture content of paper drying, the higher pulp beating degree, the higher the initial moisture content was. Paper basis weight had obvious influence on paper drying characteristic curve because of its positive corrilation with paper thickness, the greater the paper basis weight, the harder it was to dry. Pressing pressure not only affected the paper initial moisture content, but also accelerated the drying process. The possible reason was that after the paper was pressed, part of the capillary water which is difficult to dry changed to free water which is easy to dry. Because of the coupling process of heat and mass transfer in paper drying, the higher drying temperature, the greater heat and mass transfer power, and the easier drying occurs.
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