Multi-objective Optimization of Flexible Flow Shop Based on the Total Setup Time and the Makespan
Received:June 17, 2023  Revised:August 07, 2023
Key Words:production scheduling;flexible flow shop;multi-objective optimization
Fund Project:广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2020A1515011468);广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(2019KTSCX189)。
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
ZENG Zhiqiang Department of Intelligent Manufacturing, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, 529020 529020
CAI Wenqing Department of Intelligent Manufacturing, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, 529020 529020
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      Taking the makespan and total setup time as the optimization objectives, a new decoding scheme was created and a hybrid fast non-dominated genetic algorithm was designed to solve the established production scheduling model. Based on the experiments results, the effectiveness of the model and the advancement of the algorithm were carried out. The results showed that proposed decoding scheme could reduce the total setup time by 25.63% and the makespan by 3.42%. The hybrid fast non-dominated genetic algorithm could reduce the total setup time by 28.42% and the makespan by 3.80%.
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