刘祖广,吕施贤,闫晓雪,张太顺,曾 薇.改性木质素胺吸附剂对废水中Pb2+的吸附[J].中国造纸学报,2011,26(2):53-57 |
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改性木质素胺吸附剂对废水中Pb2+的吸附 |
Adsorption of Lead Ions in Effluent onto Lignin Amines Adsorbents from Modified Kraft Lignin |
DOI:10.11981/j.issn.1000-6842.2011.02.53 |
中文关键词: 木质素 木质素胺 吸附 Pb2+ |
Key Words:lignin lignin amine adsorption Pb2+ |
基金项目:本课题得到教育部科学技术研究重点项目(210165)及广西教育厅科研项目(200911MS69)的资助。 |
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中文摘要: |
以木质素、二乙烯三胺和甲醛为原料,通过Mannich反应合成改性木质素胺吸附剂,考察了不同吸附条件对Pb2+吸附效果的影响。实验结果表明:n(木质素)∶n(二乙烯三胺)∶n(甲醛)=1∶1.5∶4.5条件下,改性木质素胺吸附剂对Pb2+吸附效果最好;在吸附温度为45℃、吸附剂用量为1.2 g/L、溶液pH值为5.0、吸附时间为24 h的最佳吸附条件下,合成的吸附剂对Pb2+的去除率为59.82%,吸附量为49.85 mg/g。该吸附过程为慢性吸附,动力学模型符合McKay二级吸附动力学。改性木质素胺对Pb2+吸附过程是受颗粒内扩散和液膜扩散的共同影响,其中颗粒内扩散是主要的控制步骤。 |
Abstract: |
Lignin amine adsorbents were synthesized from kraft lignin, diethylenetriamine and formaldehyde via Mannich reaction. The effect of different conditions on the adsorption of Pb2+ was investigated. The results showed that the lignin amine with n(lignin)∶n(diethylenetriamine)∶n (formaldehyde) = 1∶1.5∶4.5 had the best adsorbing efficiency among three different lignin absorbents. The optimum adsorption conditions were as follows: adsorption temperature was 45℃, the amount of adsorbents was 1.2 g/L, pH was 5.0 and the adsorption time was 24 hours. Under these conditions the removal of Pb2+ reached 59.82%, the adsorption capacity was 49.85 mg/g. This adsorption process was chronic adsorption, the dynamic model was consistent with McKay secondary adsorption kinetics. The adsorption of Pb2+ on lignin amine was affected by the intraparticle diffusion and liquid film diffusion, and the intraparticle diffusion was the main rate-controlling step. |
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