杨 艳,霍淑媛,姚春丽.PAE/NCC二元体系对纸张的增强作用[J].中国造纸学报,2013,28(2):8-11 本文二维码信息
Paper Strength Enhancement by Using PAE/Nanocrystalline Cellulose Binary System
中文关键词:  NCC  PAE  纸张增强  添加顺序
Key Words:nanocrystalline cellulose(NCC)  PAE  paper strength agent  adding order
杨 艳 北京林业大学北京100083 
霍淑媛 北京林业大学北京100083 
姚春丽* 北京林业大学北京100083 
摘要点击次数: 4023
全文下载次数: 1156
      研究了聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷/纳米晶体纤维素(PAE/NCC)二元体系对不同浆料所抄造纸张的增强效果,讨论了PAE/NCC二元体系中NCC的最佳用量及加入方式。研究结果表明,先PAE后NCC的添加方式对纸张的增强效果好于PAE与NCC先混合后添加的方式 ;PAE用量为1.0%、NCC用量为0.6%、采用先PAE后NCC的添加方式时,对针、阔叶木混合浆纸张,与原纸相比,干抗张指数增加了42.9%,湿抗张指数增加了13.3倍,撕裂指数增加了24.3%,耐折度增加了89.7%;对阔叶木浆所抄纸张,干抗张指数增加了74.7%,湿抗张指数增加了18.8倍,撕裂指数增加了28.7%,耐破指数增加了115%,耐折度增加了5倍。
      The application of NCC in papermaking was explored in this paper. Two different application methods were explored, i.e. PAE and NCC was mixed before adding to the paper furnish and PAE was added to the furnish before adding NCC. The proper dosage of NCC in different adding method was discussed. The results showed that the paper strength improvement was more efficient when PAE and NCC were added into the furnish separately; When the dosages of PAE and NCC were 1.0% and 0.6% respectively, the dry tensile index, wet tensile index, tear index and folding endurance of the paper containing 40% softwood pulp and 60% hardwood pulp were increased by 42.9%, 1330%, 24.3% and 89.7% respectively compared with the control paper sample. For the hardwood paper, the dry tensile index, wet tensile index, tear index and burst index were increased by 74.7%, 1880%, 28.7% and 115% respectively compared with the control sample, and the folding endurance was five times higher than that of the control sample.
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