王 强,刘雅玲,叶维丽,张文静.我国造纸工业主要水污染物排放量的关键影响要素研究[J].中国造纸学报,2014,29(4):51-55 本文二维码信息
The Key Factors Influencing Main Water Pollutants Emission of Paper Industry in China
中文关键词:  造纸  主要水污染物  总量控制  排放强度  灰色关联度分析
Key Words:paper industry  main pollutants  total emission control  emission intensity  grey relevant degree method
王 强 环境保护部环境规划院, 北京, 100012 
刘雅玲 环境保护部环境规划院, 北京, 100012 
叶维丽 环境保护部环境规划院, 北京, 100012 
张文静* 环境保护部环境规划院, 北京, 100012 
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      统计了2005~2012年我国造纸工业的产品产量、主要水污染物(COD和氨氮)排放量、取水量、用水量等数据,分析了我国造纸工业单位产品的用水量和主要水污染物排放强度,并采用灰色关联度分析法对各要素与主要水污染物排放量之间的关联度进行了探讨。结果显示,2005~2012年间我国造纸工业主要水污染物的排放强度显著降低,2012年COD和氨氮的排放强度分别为5.69 kg/t产品和0.19 kg/t产品,相比2005年分别降低了77.9%和71.6%。与造纸工业主要水污染物排放量变化最密切的指标是单位产品废水排放量、单位产品取水量及主要水污染物排放强度,说明造纸工业生产工艺与污染治理水平的提升对主要水污染物排放量的降低有显著作用。
      Based on the data of production output, amount of main water pollutants (here refers to chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen) emission, amount of water in taking and consumption etc. of Chinas paper industry from 2005 to 2012, pollutants emission intensity and specific water consumption were calculated. The grey relevant degree method was used to analyze the correlation between those parameters and the total emission amount of main water pollutants of paper industry. Results shown that the production output yield of paper industry increased by 77% from 2005 to 2012 while the discharge of COD and ammonia nitrogen decreased 20% and 50% respectively. Meanwhile, the emission intensity per unit product also decreased significantly in 2012, COD and ammonia nitrogen emission intensity decreased to 5.69 kg/t of product and 0.19 kg/t of product, decreased by 77.9%and 71.6% respectively compared with 2005. Wastewater emissionper unit product, water consumption per unit product and average emission concentration of main water pollutants were most closely related to the pollutants emission in paper industry, which indicated that the improvements of production technology and wastewater treatment technology contributed greatly to the total pollutant emission reduction in paper industry.
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