汤 伟,杨润珊,孙振宇.改进遗传算法PID参数优化在吹贯蒸汽流速控制中的应用[J].中国造纸学报,2019,34(1):60-65 本文二维码信息
Application of the PID Parameters Optimization Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm in Blow-through Steam Flow Rate Control
中文关键词:  吹贯蒸汽流速  遗传算法  PID参数优化  干燥部
Key Words:blow-through steam flow  genetic algorithm  PID control parameters optimization  dryer sectron
汤 伟1 1.陕西科技大学电气与信息工程学院陕西西安710021 
杨润珊1,* 1.陕西科技大学电气与信息工程学院陕西西安710021 
孙振宇2 2.陕西科技大学机电工程学院陕西西安710021 
摘要点击次数: 4024
全文下载次数: 1133
      Blow-through steam flow rate control of paper machine dryer section is an important measure to solve the problem of hydrops in the steam dryer.Blow-through steam flow rate control usually uses PID controller,while traditional PID control is usually inaccurate and the parameters setting method is time consuming, it’s difficult to achieve the ideal control effect.In this paper, on the basis of the analysis of basic genetic algorithm,an improved genetic algorithm was put foward, the algorithm was used in PID controller parameters optimization, which implemented the accurate control of blow-through steam flow rate control of paper machine dryer section.MATLAB simulation experiments showed that the proposed control system had the characteristics of faster response speed, smaller overshoot and better robustness compared with the conventional PID controller and PID controller based on basic genetic algorithm, it could achieve the ideal control effect, the practical application of this algorithm significantly increased the utilization efficiency of secondary steam, which obtained the prominent economic benefits.
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