Effect of Metal Ions in Whitewater of Papermaking on the Zeta Potential of the Pulp
Key Words:whitewater; metal ion; retention; Zeta potential
Author NameAffiliation
刘 凯1 1.福建农林大学材料工程学院, 福建福州, 350002 
赵光磊2 2.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室, 广东广州, 510640 
何北海2 2.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室, 广东广州, 510640 
陈礼辉1 1.福建农林大学材料工程学院, 福建福州, 350002 
黄六莲1 1.福建农林大学材料工程学院, 福建福州, 350002 
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      The metal ion contents in the whitewater under the wire section of paper machine were determinated by the atomic absorption spectrometry,and the effects of the contents of Fe3+, Mn2+, Ca2+ in whitewater on the retention of the pulp and filler and the Zeta potential of pulp were also investigated. The results showed that the three metal ions accumulating in the whitewater were Fe3+, Mn2+ and Ca2+, and their contents were 0.088, 0.035 and 87.2 mg/L, respectively. Moreover, the metal ions were proved to be of benefit to increase the retention of the pulp and filler. The Zeta potential of the pulp was less affected by Fe3+ and Mn2+, but was affected by high content of Ca2+ significantly. The Zeta potential of the pulp increased rapidly with the increase of the concentration of Ca2+. The Zeta potential of the pulp also increased with the concentration of CPAM increasing when Ca2+ was in centain level. It would enhance the flocculation of the pulp and filler causing by CPAM.
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